League tables for the 2013 Wednesday and Saturday events
- If the table is too big to fit on your screen, try holding Ctrl and pressing - (minus sign) to shrink it. Ctrl and 0 (zero) returns to normal size.
- People have been allocated to a league by computer based on the courses entered.
- It is possible to move a person from one league to another. All scores for that person (past and future) will appear in the new league and none will appear in the old league.
- The course results are sometimes split between more than one league to cope with the variation in courses offered between events. This leads to some strange scores if there aren't many entrants on a course for a particular league (e.g. someone finishing last could get 100 points if they are the only person in that league for the course). Hovering over the scores will show additional information about how the courses are split.
- I've looked into various different rules for calculating the scores and they all have limitations due to the variation in courses between events and the vast range of ages and experience levels of the people taking part. Hopefully the tables are still of interest despite this, but bear in mind that they will never be as fair as the leagues for the higher level events where people run courses based on M / W age classes.
- As more events are added, the maximum number of results that counts towards the total score will probably change.
- Please send comments / feedback to alan@octavian-droobers.org
Updated 1st Dec 2013 - Tudor Grange added. 21 events to count.
Updated 12th Oct 2013 - Burton Dassett added. 20 events to count. Richard Markham moved from Yellow to Green league.
Updated 29th Sept 2013 - Everdon Stubbs added. 19 events to count. Lin Page moved from Orange to Green league.
Updated 26th August 2013 - Draycote and Coundon added. 18 events to count.
Updated 10th August 2013 - Burton Dassett added. 16 events to count. Eve O'Sullivan moved to Yellow league.
Updated 26th July 2013 - Abbey Fields added. 15 events to count. Yvonne Feasey moved from Orange to Green league.
Updated 22nd July 2013 - Spiceball Park added. 14 events to count.
Updated 12th July 2013 - Itchington Holt added. 13 events to count. William Luxmoore moved from Orange to Yellow league.
Updated 5th July 2013 - Rough Close added. 12 events to count.
Updated 28th June 2013 - Sutton Park added. 11 events to count.
Updated 24th June 2013 - Coombe results added. 10 events to count.
Updated 20th June 2013 - Steph and Stephanie Howarth rows in Green league combined as same person.
Updated 17th June 2013 - Pippa Stuart corrected to Pippa Smart on Yellow league.
Updated 14th June 2013 - Dan Hobbins and Stan Stringer moved from Orange to Yellow league. Scores to count increased to 9.
Updated 8th June 2013 - Rob Smart added to Pooley results (was missing from Medium course).
Updated 7th June 2013 - Pooley Fields results added. Rob Stuart corrected to be Rob Smart at Borough Hill. Number of scores to count increased to 8.
Updated 30th May 2013 - Memorial Park results added.
Updated 23rd May 2013 - Kenilworth 15th May results added. Various league allocations and course / league splits modified based on manual results analysis. If you spot any problems / have queries then drop me an email to alan@octavian-droobers.org
Updated 21st May 2013 - Gamecock results for 23rd Feb merged with 20th Feb civilian runners (same courses at BAOC event).
Daventry 23rd Mar Orange course included in Green league due to number of Green runners on course and length.
Borough Hill 1st May Blue course included in Green league.