Parental and Medical Consent Form
Any junior (under -18s) who takes part in a club coaching session must either be accompanied by a responsible adult throughout the session or must provide the session coach with a completed British Orienteering Parental and Medical Consent Form. These forms may be requested from the OD Lead Coach, downloaded from the British Orienteering website or downloaded from here. Parents are respectfully reminded that this is not optional.
Working With Juniors and Vulnerable Adults
The CRB system that was put in place several years ago to help protect juniors and vulnerable adults from the attentions of unsuitable individuals has been replaced by the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS), which has different assessment criteria. It is no longer necessary or indeed possible for a coach to obtain DBS status unless they (i) have frequent and regular contact, or (ii) stay overnight with juniors or vulnerable adults. Please refer to the British Orienteering website for the latest information.
OD does not have a dedicated Junior Coach. Any qualified club coach interested in taking on the role should contact the Lead Coach at
Club Child Safety Officer
The OD Child Safety Officer is Liz Phillips. PLease contact her in the event of any concerns over juniors or vulnerable adults.