SportIdent Controls – planner information

The OD SI controls are mounted on yellow fibreglass posts with printed plastic number attached to the top of the control. The controls are to be added to the stakes as they are put out and they should have a banner and a backup pin punch added at that time. Controls must be turned on (by punching them with an SI card) less than 12 hours before the 1st competitor will reach the control.

There are 2 boxes of controls and a Start/Finish equipment box. Planners should choose one box of controls when this has sufficient controls, but either or both may be used at an event. Only controls numbers within these ranges are available.

  • Box 1 has controls in the range 167 to 208 [182, 188, 200 and 202 are currently absent and should not be used]
  • Box 2 has controls in the range 209 To 246 [there are no controls currently missing]
  • The Start Finish box contains 2 Start, 2 Check, 2 Finish, 2 Clear, 1 SIAC Check and 1 SIAC battery check, and controls 247 to 250, and SI controls cards to turn controls off, to clear the backup and a ferrite conndector to use with the Clear stations to set time for any control
  • Planners should allow for a few spare controls to cover any loss or failuer.

All these controls are SIAC enabled and many competitors will be using SIAC card for touch free punching. It is therefore very unlikely at most events that a duplicate control will be needed except at the Start or Finish. At very large events duplicates can be programmed in exceptional circumstances, and we would aim to hire or borrow controls if you need more than 75 control sites.

There are 71 control stakes. Remeber that you will probably need stakes for Clear, Check, Start, Finish, SIAC check and SIAC battery check which could require 10 more stakes than you have controls. There are over 160 banners, and 78 backup pin punches.

The clocks in the controls will slowly drift overtime, and while this does not prevent the delivery of accurate results, it does make for inaccurate split times. Instructions to set a control's time to same time as an SI master  are provided. All the clocks are reset when the clocks go back or forward.

If you choose to have 2 starts or 2 finishes it is essential that the clocks are synchronised for these controls on the day of the event using a Clear station. Instructions are here: Set control times

If in doubt contact

Event equipment - organisers 

Other equipment is required by the organiser for almost every event. There is a standard set of equipment that supports the informal events and this is usually passed directly between event organisers along with the controls.

For larger events or events with additional requirements, there is a list of the additional equipment available. The OD website (Members menu - Event Officials section) has a set of Organisers Guidelines which will help organisers work out the equipment they need.

Please contact Liz or Graham Urquhart ( if you need these to check availability and arrange collection, or if you require any other equipment to run your event. 

Hire e-Cards 

The club has 59 SI cards for hire. 39 of there are SI Type 8, are limited to 30 punches and do not support touch free punching.

There are a further 19 Type 9 cards whichallow up to 50 punches and do not support touch free punching.

If it is intended to offer hire cards for courses with more than 30 controls you should allocate type 9 hire cards for these courses. If you wish to offer the option of SIAC enabled hire cards or will need extra hire cards, contact for guidance as these will have to be borrowed or hired.


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