Club News
Rewards for a long trip
17 Droobers made the long trip down to Holmbush Woods for the British Middle Distance Champs at Holbush last weekend. The journey was well worth it because there was a good haul of podium places in what was a quite testing event. There was quite a bit of debate about the length of some of the courses in some age groups, lots of comments about the map and mapping and the need to clamber over a fence to reach the final control was very questionable, to say the least, for some of the older age groups. Then again, when do we orienteers never comment about such things?
Congratulations to all our competitors with a special mention to the 5 podium placements with Kirsten Strain, Juliette Soulard, Sheila Carey and Alistair Landels making the top step in first position with Anne Straube coming in second. Great results
We are heading into major event season and these results will hopefully lead to more at the JK and and the other events. Speaking of the JK, it would also be great to get some good relay results to add to individual success so contact David Lawson to join one of the teams.
A busy few weeks for Droobers
OD have five events coming up in good areas over the next few weeks which nicely lead in to the busy April and May periods for the sport. First-up is Everdon Stubbs on Jan 18th which is a great little wood for orienteering. That is shortly followed be the re-arranged club championships at Brandon Woods on Feb 2nd which couldn't be easier to reach. Entries will be carried over from the original scheduled date in December and there will also be opportunity to enter the new date if you have not already entered. Two weeks later is our Hartshill Hayes event, another great area followed by Coombe Abbey on March 8th. The regional event at Bentley Woods finishes the scehdule on March 30th, Bentley is the clubs best area for orienteering and, as ever, it promises to great courses which will be an ideal warm-up for the JK which follows a week later. Entries are either available on Fabian4 now or will follow in the coming weeks.