Click here for a PDF of the results.
Link to Routegadget (including SplitsBrowser):
Link to index for course results and splits here
Apologies for the text missing from the map - there was no map scale or contour interval! The map on Routegadget has this reinstated plus a few map corrections.
Planner / Organiser's comments:
Thank you all for coming to Everdon Stubbs. I received a lot of positive comments about the courses. The experiment with no paths on the Long seemed to go down well; I was just trying to make an easy area a little bit more difficult.
We are only allowed into the area early in the year due to the bluebells so visibility is at its peak. The control flags stand out like beacons maybe stakes only next time?
My major problem of the day was that my car broke down in the drive at 6-45 a.m. So my beautifully laid-out equipment in my car turned into a chaotic mess, as the kit had to be transferred in a hurry to my wife’s car.
Thanks to William for helping put out the controls. Starting in the dark, I now grasp most controls, as it only takes one random dog walker to ruin our day. That takes time.
Thanks also to Dave Thacker for helping, Graham for providing the excellent download and results service, Bruce, as always, for understanding my map updates, tidying my planning up, and sourcing new printers as our regulars had had a flood, and Anne for her help collecting in with William.
Richard Gardner