Click here for a PDF of the results.

Link to Routegadget (including SplitsBrowser):

Link to index for course results and splits here

BOF results and ranking points are here

Winsplits are here

Organiser’s Comments:

This event was originally scheduled for Sunday, 8 December, but Storm Darragh made it too dangerous for us to run in the woods, causing us to rearrange for 2 February. Thank you for your understanding of the postponement, and to those competitors who were unable to make the new date, my apologies. The weather yesterday certainly did not let us down! Indeed, I would consider the cool windless blue-skied day to be perfect running conditions! How lucky we were after the wet grey days of recent weeks!

Harriet planned some wonderful courses, which she intentionally made fairly challenging. As runners finished, comments were overwhelmingly positive and appreciative of her efforts. Planning had been tricky as a result of works being undertaken in the woodland and quite a lot of recent changes, but with support from our mapper, Bruce Bryant, she worked around the issues admirably. Harriet and I left it as late as possible to hang controls on Saturday… we were glad that we had remembered a headtorch for the last few that we put out! She still had 22 left to do on Sunday morning so, having left in the dark on Saturday, we were back in the dark on Sunday morning!

Our Controller, Kerstin Mitchell from HOC was brilliant! She worked with Harriet and me very closely whilst preparing for the original event and again for the one that actually took place! Kerstin is a careful and methodical Controller, and it was a real pleasure to work with her.
Thanks to the landowner, Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, who has been hugely supportive of us and made their café and toilets available to competitors. I hope that those of you who enjoyed Brandon Woods will be encouraged to visit the nature reserve, Visitor Centre and café again in the future. Also, this event could not take place without the support of Breedon Group who again allowed us to use the quarry area for parking. Many thanks to them.

Octavian Droobers members who volunteered to help were brilliant on the day. When I first became a controller someone said that once the event came around I would be able to sit back and do nothing. Well, it was not quite like that on Sunday…but not far off! The teamwork, organisation, flexibility and camaraderie made this event a real pleasure for me. Thank you all most sincerely for the work that you did leading up to the event and on the day.
     Vivianne Lawson

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