Updated 15/10/24.

Click here for a revised PDF of the results.

Link to Routegadget (including SplitsBrowser):  https://www.od.routegadget.co.uk/rg2/#116  This version has the original results. Upload / draw your routes here.

Link to index for course results and splits here

A second Routegadget event has been upload with the revised results but this is read-only (for Splitsbrowser use): https://www.od.routegadget.co.uk/rg2/#117 Note for Splitsbrowser to display properly you need to tick the option "Show original data".

BOF results and ranking points: here

Winsplits: here


Organiser's comments:

Many thanks to you all for coming along to Stratford upon Avon today, I know that some of you travelled some distance to get here for this urban orienteering event. And many thanks to the Octavian Droobers membership who turned out to help you before and after your run. Particular thanks to Alan Dearden and his colleagues at the Stratford Sports Club for allowing us use of the room for registration and download.

Until the end of last week we were not sure whether to (A) postpone, (B) offer shortened courses, or (C) 'carry on regardless'.  The recent excess of rainfall had made things a bit tricky. It was good to be able to choose option C, just before the maps had to go to the printers.

Applause please for Alistair (planner) and John (controller) who each have put in many hours effort on your behalf.

Unfortunately John was unable to come along today having been struck down by the flu bug.   Hopefully, John is feeling a lot better as I write this.   I was impressed by the way the OD members rallied round to make sure that all controls were checked before the first starts - in the end I was turning away offers of help.

I am particularly grateful to John and Alistair for their input to the Risk Assessment, making the organiser's task much easier.

Please note the following email I have received:-

"I am just making contact after the event in Stratford today. As a local I welcome events in the town however today we were very concerned about people taking part in your event and their disregard for the safety of people walking around the river. Today while walking around the river, we noticed that lots of runners were not concentrating on where they were going but were focused on their maps. As we walked past the RSC a runner ran into our 6 year old daughter forcing her to the floor and damaging her shoulder. The runner did not stop or apologise and my daughter was left in tears. Iā€™m not normally someone who would write this email but I felt compelled to raise this issue with you". 

The action of the runner is not what we expect from within the sport.

As you may be aware 2 controls were interfered with.   As a result we are voiding the legs on courses 2 and 5 which include control 191 (which was removed from its site).      Control 180 also suffered, however I understand that the SI unit remained in situ throughout - it is unfortunate that people may have lost time, but we are letting the results stand. Because the kite at 180 went missing for a time, those who were disqualified because they did not have a punch on their card for 180 have been reinstated.  

Now, please bear with me as I suggest to those more local amongst you, that they pop along to Cracks Hill (near Rugby), a level D event on the afternoon of Saturday 26th October, where Richard Windsor has planned some lovely courses for you - entries are open on Fabian4.

Take care


 Planner's comments:

I'll start by thanking everyone who was involved in making the Stratford Urban a successful event, especially Bob, John, Bruce, Phil, plus our on the day controllers: Liz, Barry and Bruce, Mike Hampton for the initial mapping, Alistair Landels for helping on the early shift to set checkpoints (it really does take about 5 minutes per checkpoint when you have to gripple everything!) and the control collectors, of which we had many! Without all the helpers, the event would not have been possible.

Secondly, I'd like to apologise to those who were affected by the removal of CP 191 and briefly 180. Fortunately we were able to find both and reinstate them and we hope the latest set of results provides a satisfactory outcome to everyone.

Bruce put in many hours of work with map updates and great input on course options, especially when it was looking like we might have to cancel or come up with plan B courses due to flooding of the recreation ground a few weeks ago. John had some really detailed and constructive feedback on control sites and courses. 

Stratford can be busy with tourists, events and traffic so it was a balance to utilise as much of the map as possible, avoid potentially busy areas and provide safe, interesting courses so we hope you all enjoyed your runs. Feedback from those I did manage to speak to was very positive.

Many thanks to everyone who attended the event and we look forward to seeing you again soon.

     Alistair Powell

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