Click here for a PDF of the results.

Link to Routegadget (including SplitsBrowser):

Link to index for course results and splits here

BOF results and ranking points are here

Winsplits are here


Plannerā€™s Comments:

I hope you all enjoyed your courses despite the downpour; the feedback I heard was all positive so thank you. No doubt you will be gratified to know that with their early morning work done, both planner and controller were able to shelter in a dry, warm building with mugs of coffee while the rain drummed incessantly on the roof. But we were thinking of you!

It is a joy to plan on Sutton Park with the abundance of potential control sites and the variety of terrain although finding long legs that present a continual navigational challenge is difficult. I would have liked to take the short green course into the contoured wooded area in the NE part of the A3 map - to add more variety - but that would have required a remote start and finish.

The fast nature of the area was reflected in the relatively short winning times but the courses did comply with the guidelines for West Midlands League events and I didnā€™t hear any rain-sodden finishers complain!

Thanks to Bruce Bryant not only for producing another excellent map but also for the speed with which he issued a succession of updates during the resurveying process. He also took care of all aspects of map printing which made my life easy.

Big thanks to Bob Brandon and all the OD helpers on the day. Kudos to Gerry Spalton for persevering with the curve balls the SI system kept throwing at him and a massive shout out to Ian Gamlen (COBOC/HOC) for his support (not just SI) across the day ā€“ without him, we could have been in a pickle. Also, many thanks to the control collectors: David, Mykyta, Keith, Jill, Stan & Rachel who battled failing light and a lot of gripples to get them all in. Although grippling is a faff it saved at least two controls from being vandalised by some-low life who tried to tear them apart but failed. At the end of the day one control banner was dog mangled beyond repair and now stinks of dog slobber, but that was the only loss of the day.

Finally, a huge thank you to controller Andy Hemsted, who played the role of ā€œcritical friendā€ to perfection. If anyone is looking for a controller, heā€™s the man!

     Andy Emmerson


Controllerā€™s Comments:

Sutton Park is only a short drive from ā€˜Chez Hemstedā€™, so controlling this event was an opportunity too good to miss. Andy Emmerson planned good courses and was very efficient at all stages of the process. Bruceā€™s map was already excellent when we did the majority of the planning/controlling in September, so there was plenty of time for a few minor updates. I was able to do all my controlling with lovely weather, and am sorry that all the competitors had to endure that badly-timed rain.

Thanks to Bob Brandon for organising a strong team of helpers, and to Ian Gamlen for permission to use the Scout Hut. This (and the great new carpark) made everything much easier.
I hope to see many of you at HOCā€™s event at Bodenham and Shatterford on Jan 14th ā€¦ put it in your new diary.

Best Wishes for Christmas
     Andy Hemsted


Organiser's comments

Thank you all for coming to the event.
Team OD came together to put on the successful event.
The parking team came and went, efficiently filling the extended car park with orienteers.
The start of the Start period proved interesting. The beeping clock deciding not to 'BEEP'. The Start units appearing not to be working. This was also at the time that the rain came. A big thank you to each of those who worked on the Start.
Hilary and Trevor Simpson offered to man the Finish between them. Trevor had his early run - Hilary was at her post from the begining until 2 pm.
Andy E alludes to certain SI issues. I believe that whilst each were able to go for their run, Thelma and Gerry in post at download throughout the day - thank you T&G.
Local man, Ian Gamlen was brilliant - supporting the event before and throughout the day. Alistair Powell was a great help to me, just doing what was needed to be done.
A round of applause for the control collectors.
Meanwhile it is Bruce and Liz who do so much - need I say more.
The Scout Hut is wonderful, and thanks go to Richard Thom for letting us make use of it. I was asked if the Scouts could have some of the surplus maps - hence the soggy pile left in the kitchen.
The 2 x Andy's did their respective jobs very well, as expected. It has been a pleasure working with them.

Found property:
1. Black ear-piece
2. Green Gloves
3. Dibber 433152
4. O-shoes left in car park have been claimed

     Bob.Brandon      bobbrandon42(at)

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