Results for UWOC Local and WML, University of Warwick, 18/01/2009

White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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White (length 1.3km, 11 controls)

  1  Amie Campbell                  OD W10  18:30 
  2  Ellis Me Donagh                OD W12  19:22 
  3  Mia Campbell                   OD W1   20:55 
  4  Alexander Mitchell            HOC M10  21:14 
  5  Laurance + James                  M5   25:41 
  6  James Thompson                HOC M3   41:01 
  7  Robert Helen Emily Aries      IND W8   44:15 
  8  Holly Stodgell                WCH W10  44:22 
     -----------White standard------------

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Yellow (length 2.1km, 16 controls)

  1  Yann Allsopp                  IND M21  23:57 
  2  Ella-Rose McCartney            OD W10  29:13 
  3  Michael Hanson-Morris          OD M16  31:59 
  4  James May                         M7   35:46 
  5  Edward Vaudin                  OD M12  37:45 
  6  Edward + Andrew Stephenson    KH8 M10  40:12 
     -----------Yellow standard-----------
  7  Emma Whitehead                IND W21  41:16 
  8  Charlotte Robinson            HOC W10  41:31 
  9  Benjamin Oliver                OD M12  42:45 
dsq  Sophie Oliver                  OD W10  41:44 Missing no 10
     Edward Worstenholme           IND M18  rtd   Missing nos 12-16

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Orange (length 4.3km, 19 controls)

  1  Richard Bowman                IND M18  49:11 
  2  John Batten                    OD M50  49:45 
  3  James Dance                    OD M14  50:12 
  4  Tim Burrows                       M14  52:11 
  5  Michael Dudley                WCH M70  54:32 
  6  Thomas Oliver                  OD M14  54:39 
  7  Zoe Nicolson                   OD W12  60:51 
  8  Diana Victor Bedford          WCH W40  62:36 
  9  Tom Ross                       OD M12  63:08 
 10  Dylan Campbell               CHIG M12  65:28 
 11  Martin Sherlaw                WCH M16  65:30 
 12  Joanna Batten                  OD W50  65:46 
 13  Carys James                  SMOC W15  68:33 
 14  James Giling                  IND M21  71:10 
     -----------Orange standard-----------
 15  Julia Biggs/ Liz White        IND W40  82:16 
 16  Ros James                    SMOC W45  98:45 
     Valerie Yeu+lio Ka Ian       UWOC W20  rtd   Missing nos 4,9-19

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Light Green (length 3.2km, 15 controls)

  1  Hamish Rogers                  OD M14  22:53 
  2  Julie Emmerson                 OD W14  24:15 
  3  Alex Hedges                    OD M14  24:33 
  4  Alastair Gardner               OD M14  25:18 
  5  Mark Robinson                 WCH M16  25:40 
  6  Samuel Musters                WCH M14  27:14 
  7  Stephen Elkington              OD M12  29:21 
  8  Rachel Emmerson                OD W14  30:58 
  9  Sheila Carey                   OD W60  32:04 
 10  Amy Kimberley                 DVO W14  32:25 
 11  Karen Thomson                 FVO W35  32:51 
 12  John Bowman                    OD M65  33:06 
 13  Marie-Anne Fischer           TVOC W45  36:24 
 14  Anne Kimberley                DVO W45  37:21 
 15  Gillian Cross                  OD W60  37:25 
 16  Irene Crawshaw               MDOC W65  37:50 
     --------Light Green standard---------
 17  Heather Rogers                 OD W12  39:28 
 18  Alison Sloman                 HOC W70  39:48 
 19  Hannah Matuska +2                 W21  40:19 
 20  Philip Kirk                    OD M50  42:18 
 21  Gerry Morrison              COBOC M55  42:48 
 22  Seonaid Dudley                WCH W70  43:09 
 23  Hilda Jessop                  HOC W40  44:54 
 24  Melanie Elkington              OD W45  49:08 
 25  Elizabeth Urquhart             OD W55  51:05 
 26  Kathleen Wright                OD W65  53:17 
 27  Pamela Emberton               WCH W80  53:29 
 28  Sue Bowman                     OD W65  53:58 
 29  Elaine Dunn                   WCH W75  55:52 
dsq  Karin Kirk                     OD W60  44:02 Missing no 14
dsq  Clare Morrison              COBOC W55  45:24 Missing no 6
dsq  Douglas Baker                TVOC M75  51:58 Missing no 13

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Green (length 4.7km, 19 controls)

  1  Jane Halliday                  OD W45  39:26 
  2  Matthew Elkington              OD M14  40:46 
  3  Robert Brandon                 OD M60  41:18 
  4  Peter Carey                    OD M65  42:16 
  5  Helen Elkington                OD W16  42:40 
  6  Delia Kingsbury               WRE W40  43:19 
  7  Carol Edwards                TVOC W50  45:22 
  8  Paul Nelson                    OD M35  45:28 
n/c  Hamish Rogers                  OD M14  45:45 
  9  Guy Ross                       OD M14  45:52 
 10  Emma Kettley                   OD W16  45:56 
 11  Liz Phillips                   OD W45  46:36 
 12  Judith Guillaume               OD W55  46:46 
 13  Richard Windsor               LEI M45  46:48 
 14  Peter Guillaume                OD M60  46:54 
 15  Martin Cross                   OD M60  47:00 
 16  Robin Campbell               CHIG M70  47:33 
 17  Hilary Palmer                 NOC W60  49:03 
 18  Tim Saunders + John Shertwood IND M20  50:13 
 19  Paul Wolstenholme             HOC M45  50:28 
 20  David Beal                     OD M65  50:30 
 21  Colin Spears                  HOC M70  51:03 
 22  Harrison McCartney             OD M12  51:29 
 23  Phil Bibby                    WRE M55  51:36 
 24  Jeff Haycock                  WRE M65  52:03 
 25  Marie Roberts                MDOC W50  52:45 
 26  Elizabeth Furness              OD W50  53:21 
 27  Robert Vickers                HOC M65  54:15 
 28  Chris Voss                     OD M65  54:24 
 29  David Parkin                  BOK M75  54:45 
 30  Robert Harris                  OD M35  55:21 
 31  Geoff Mander                  IND M60  55:33 
 32  Phil May                       OD M55  56:43 
 33  Lester Evans                  HOC M55  56:56 
 34  Richard Rogers                WCH M45  57:22 
 35  Jill Emmerson                  OD W45  57:26 
 36  Alison Yeates                 WCH W40  58:41 
     -----------Green standard------------
 37  John Palmer                   NOC M60  59:38 
 38  Will Wheller                  HOC M55  61:59 
 39  Ruby Campbell                CHIG W70  62:19 
 40  Caitlin Campbell             CHIG W14  63:15 
 41  Margaret Willdig               OD W55  64:17 
 42  Stephen Nightingale           HOC M60  65:17 
 43  Graham Urquhart                OD M55  65:19 
 44  Tony Baker                   TVOC M70  66:21 
 45  Garry Langston                WCH M65  67:33 
 46  Greta Greenall                 OD W60  69:13 
 47  Carolyn Marr                   OD W60  69:52 
 48  John Wright                    OD M65  72:00 
 49  Marcus Eassom                 WRE M55  75:30 
 50  Graeme Hodges                     IND  76:05 
 51  Barbara Ford                  HOC W50  76:59 
 52  Sally Ellis                   IND W50  81:40 
 53  Thelma Spalton                 OD W60  83:56 
 54  Chris Morris                   OD M55  85:51 
 55  Sue Lynch                     WCH W50  87:41 
 56  Julie Nokes                   WCH W50  97:49 
 57  Chris Huffer                  IND M45 106:33 
 58  John Wilcock                  WCH M70 112:58 
dsq  Andrew White                  HOC M50  38:37 Missing no 13

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Blue (length 6.0km, 23 controls)

  1  John Embrey                   HOC M50  41:11 
  2  Chris McCartney                OD M40  41:49 
  3  Bruce Bryant                   OD M50  43:00 
  4  Barry Elkington                OD M50  43:39 
  5  Duncan Leeson                 HOC M18  44:10 
  6  Ian Turner                    WCH M45  44:22 
  7  William Gardner                OD M16  44:57 
  8  Andrew Yeates                 WCH M45  45:08 
  9  Jonathan Howell               WCH M55  45:20 
 10  Craig Thomson                 FVO M16  45:26 
 11  Nicholas Evans                NOC M45  45:34 
 12  Andrew McNally                IND M21  45:50 
 13  Stephen McKinley               SN M45  45:56 
 14  Sophie Kirk                    OD W18  46:49 
 15  Kitty Bray                     SN W20  47:36 
 16  Richard Gardner                OD M55  48:30 
 17  John Leeson                   HOC M50  48:44 
 18  Lesley Ross                    OD W40  49:12 
 19  Stephen Kimberley             DVO M50  50:09 
 20  Harriet Batten                 OD W18  50:42 
 21  Laura Evans                   NOC W20  50:45 
 22  Jenny Evans                   NOC W16  51:13 
 23  Keith Willdig                  OD M60  51:15 
 24  Alan Halliday                  OD M55  51:58 
 25  Andy Emmerson                  OD M50  52:19 
 26  Paul Furness                   OD M55  52:20 
 27  Alice Campbell               CHIG W16  52:41 
 28  Ben Ross                       OD M16  53:23 
 29  Barry Houghton                HOC M60  53:43 
 30  Heather Houghton              HOC W21  54:25 
 31  Peter Langmaid                HOC M40  54:43 
 32  Daniel Kimberley              DVO M21  57:42 
 33  Allen McKinly                 HOC M21  58:40 
 34  David Thomas                  WCH M50  59:15 
     ------------Blue standard------------
 35  Liz Godfree                   DVO W60  62:05 
 36  Adrian Bailey                 HOC M40  62:48 
 37  Trevor Roberts               MDOC M60  64:30 
 38  John Middler                 BAOC M55  64:56 
 39  Aaron Madeley                UWOC M21  65:01 
 40  Lukas Mayer                  UWOC M21  65:02 
 41  Grahame Crawshaw             MDOC M60  66:13 
 42  Lairs                       COBOC M51  66:59 
 43  James Head                   TVOC M35  68:04 
 44  Ian Gilliver                 MDOC M55  68:53 
 45  Christopher Bedford           WCH M45  70:03 
 46  John Boden                     OD M60  70:16 
 47  Janet Evans                   NOC W45  70:24 
 48  Samuel Coe                     OD M21  70:44 
 49  Ashley Ford                   HOC M55  72:00 
 50  Chris Dwyer                    OD M55  77:56 
 51  David Hemmings                HOC M21  78:58 
 52  Nick Taylor                   HOC M60  83:41 
 53  Martin + Harriet Candy        IND M45 105:04 
dsq  Matthew Evans                 HOC M21  41:34 Missing no 13
dsq  Ray Collins                   WCH M50  49:22 Missing nos 10,16
dsq  Kerstin Mitchell              HOC W40  60:03 Missing nos 8-9
dsq  Kevin Ross                     OD M45  71:24 Missing no 14
dsq  Sue Bicknell                   OD W65  76:01 Missing no 19
     Tom Laird                   COBOC M21  rtd   Missing nos 12-22

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Brown (length 8.5km, 33 controls)

  1  Beata Falk                    HOC W20  49:25 
  2  Matthew Halliday               OD M18  51:02 
  3  Ben Windsor                   LEI M20  51:19 
  4  Stuart Thomson                FVO M18  52:48 
  5  Jason Howell                  HOC M40  53:24 
  6  Alex Morgan                   HOC M45  53:37 
  7  Richard Dearden               HOC M40  54:20 
  8  Robert Gardner                 OD M18  54:41 
  9  Iain Botheroyd                 OD M40  55:21 
 10  Roger Thetford               TVOC M45  56:28 
 11  Scott Collier               KERNO M21  57:01 
 12  Anne Edwards                 TVOC W20  59:10 
 13  Mairead Rocke                 LEI W18  59:45 
 14  Matthew Wallace               NOC M20  60:17 
 15  Bill Nicolson                  OD M40  60:24 
 16  David Thacker                  OD M21  61:12 
 17  Neville Baker                TVOC M55  61:31 
 18  Allan Williams                WCH M40  61:56 
 19  Mark Stodgell                 WCH M35  62:05 
 20  David Bennett                 DVO M21  65:03 
 21  Simon Thompson                HOC M40  65:15 
 22  Mike Hampton                   OD M60  67:13 
 23  Dorien James                 SMOC M45  67:45 
 24  Ian Hopkins                   HOC M40  68:14 
 25  Mike Capper                  WAOC M50  68:39 
 26  Andy Batchelor                HOC M35  69:37 
 27  Dave Marr                      OD M55  69:48 
 28  Steve Parker                  HOC M35  70:11 
 29  Mike Godfree                  DVO M60  74:07 
     -----------Brown standard------------
 30  Tom Kempton                  UWOC M21  75:39 
 31  John Worth                   TVOC M40  77:12 
 32  Jonathan Edgeworth                IND  83:44 
 33  Elizabeth Rocke               LEI W55  89:38 
 34  Martin Edwards                IND M21  90:10 
 35  Marian White                  HOC W45  96:01 
 36  Stephen Wyatt                     M50  98:00 
dsq  Mark Thomson                  FVO M40  63:37 Missing no 7
     David Fountain               UWOC M20  rtd   Missing nos 20,29,31
     James Wickens                  OD M21  rtd   Missing nos 27-31

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @