Results for OD Local and WML, Pooley Fields, 05/04/2009

Sunday 14:56 provisional results uploaded

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Organisers Comments

A big thank-you to all who turned out to help -especially those who gave up their runs -and a big thank-you to all who turned out to compete and were good-humoured in spite of difficulties. The unusual positioning of the Finish was an emergency response by the event officials to the discovery that gates had been locked and trenches dug across the route to the position of the Finish as originally planned. Most of you spotted the frantically-gesticulating Finish-minder in  time ...

Liz + Graham Urquhart


String Results

Arron McCann               M2               HOC               17.17

Freddie Walker               M3               OD               16.30

Ethan Tebbutt               M7               LEI               6.50

Holly Craig               W10               WCH               3.19

Heather Craig               W10               WCH               2.31

Euan Tebbutt               M10               LEI               3.17

Oliver Biggs               M8               IND               9.00

Toby Biggs               M4               IND               9.00

Rory Sarkies               M1               OD               16.00


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