Results for Class M18
Length 7.1km, 43 controls (course A)
1 Christopher Embrey OUOC 49:28 7.0 m/km 2 James Taylor (M16) NOC 51:31 7.3 3 Stuart Thomson (M16) FVO 52:38 7.4 4 Duncan Birtwistle (M16) CLARO 53:15 7.5 5 Ben Windsor LEI 53:54 7.6 6 Mikey Hopkins WCH 54:23 7.7 7 James McMillan SLOW 55:08 7.8 8 Michael Edwards OUOC 61:18 8.6 9 Robert Kelly (M16) AIRE 61:38 8.7 10 Aidan Smith (M12) SYO 62:25 8.8
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