Results for Tony Haw Charity Score, Kingsbury Water Park, 10/09/2006

Sunday 16:20 provisional results uploaded

Organiser's Comments
Thank you all for coming to the "Tony Haw Charity Score Event" at Kingsbury Water Park.  The Planner (Mel Elkington), Controller (Richard Gardner) and I all hope you enjoyed your run.  Thank you for all the positive comments on the planning; they have been duly passed on.
I am very pleased to report that the event raised a total of £450.00 for the Leukaemia Research Fund (£294.00 coming from the event entries).
The Octavian Droobers would like to say a big thank-you to all the staff at Kingsbury Water Park who welcomed us back so warmly and provided so much support.  We are especially grateful to Sally Silk at Kingsbury Water Park for allowing us to collect the £2.50 car park fees from the orienteering cars for donation to the Leukaemia Research Fund.  Many people put extra money in the bucket and this collection raised £152.62.
Ginny Haw wishes to thank everyone who baked cakes for her stall and also everyone who patronised it.  She raised an additional £85 (above the £450 declared above) from the sale of cakes.
I would like to thank all the club members who helped or offered to help; it made my job very easy.
The top 3 results after applying handicapping were:

Stephen Elkington  M 10  9.259
Julie Emmerson     W 10  9.200
Robert Gardner       M 16  8.974

The winner of the Tony Haw Memorial Trophy for 2006 is Stephen Elkington.
Special mention must also be made of Robert Gardner's performance.  To bag
350 points as a 15 year old is a tremendous achievement, especially coming
as it did after competing in the Peter Palmer Relays a few hours earlier.
Andy Emmerson


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