Results for Oversley Wood


W40 - Jane Lowey - OD - 38.32
M10 - George Lowey - OD - 38.32
M11 - Dan Brennan - KHVIII - 40.31
M12 - Ben James - KHVIII - 41.01
M7 - Emmanuel Betz - OD - 42.50
Family - Pete Watson - None - 44.55
M12 - Martin Cole - None - 47.19
W10 - Olivia James Harrison - OD  1.04.32
Family - Hall Family - None - 1.22.11
M11 - Bailey Pointon and Daniel Brownett - 74th Scouts - 2.11.09 
M15 - Joe Thornton - OD - 41.27
W45 - Ros James - SMOC - 43.40
M70 - Kim - OD - 45.45
W10 - Sophie Oliver - OD - 49.56
M80 - Chris Schaanning - HOC - 57.41
M12 - Martyn Cole - None - 1.15.38
M40 - Chris McCartney - OD - 51.40
M21 - Andrew McNally - None - 54.59
M60 - Mike Hampton - OD - 1.00.16
M45 - Dorein James - SMOC - 1.01.24
M50 - John Leeson - HOC - 1.07.49
M16 - Daniel Kotecky - OD - 1.10.01
M21  Steve Goaman - None - 1.13.17
M65 - John Ward - OD -  1.18.22
M60 - Roman Kotecky - OD - 1.18.48
M55 - Paul Furness - OD - 1.19.06
M60 - John Boden - OD - 1.19.47
M20 - Duncan Leeson - HOC - 1.20.04
M65 - Robert Titterington - LEI - 1.20.30
M35 - Dermot Lynch - OD - 1.21.26
M21 - Ian Farrell - MDOC  1.21.31
M55 - Chris Dwyer - OD - 1.23.08
W21 - Faye Greaves -OD - 1.25.49
M40 - Toby Greaves -OD-1.27.47
M35 - James Hamilton -OD- 1.28.43
W60 - Sheila Carey - OD- 1.28.58
W21 - Steph Ellis-Grey -OD - 1.29.56
M35 - Ricardo Fernandes - TVOC - 1.32.20
M65 - John Bowman - OD 1.32.20
M60 - Barry McGowan - HOC - 1.30.46
M60 - John Handley - None - 1.34.55
M55 - John Middler - OD - 1.39.18
M60 - Martin Neal - OD - 1.39.56
W55 - Lin Page - OD -2.18.18
M55 - Tony Feltbower - OD - Retired
W55 -Elizabeth Furness - OD - Retired

Not having planned a event for a while I had forgotten the particular pleasure that comes from getting to know a wood and it's wildlife. Go to the south western corner and be quiet to see so much as deers and foxes. 

Nature is also starting to take back the wood so finding some point features was a challenge for the planner as well as the runner. My reconstructed fodder rack almost resembled the real thing. 

Fortunately the snow went but it left some very muddy, sometimes steep, tracks which did not seem to deter the younger runners on the orange and yellow courses. 

I was reminded how much help and support is readily available in the club. So thanks to ; Mike, Bob and John, John and Cath Wright, who with Lin and Steph who enable newcomers to find their feet, backed by Karins sterling effort with the media. 

We were fortunate to have available a well drained field for car parking and the farmer who generously donated all your £1 coins to the Acorn Hospice for Children. 


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Copyright © 2008 Octavian Droobers The Warwickshire Club
Last modified: July 21, 2011