YELLOW 1.4k (6)
Dominic Leake M9 LEI 14.43
Jonathon +
Joseph Pywell 20.50
Edward Vandin M10 OD 23.32
Tom Welch 25.43
Sally Brickbank 25.41 m1
SCORE (44+6)
Matthew Halliday M18 OD 250+60 310
Jeffries M35 BAOC 250+25 275
Bruce Bryant M50 OD 250+25 275
Richard Gardner M50 OD 240
John Marriott M60 LEI 220
Peter Hornsby M55 LEI 220-5 215
Harrison McCartney M10 OD 210
David Bray M55 LEI 210
Alison Hardy W40 LEI 210
Pete Carey M60 OD 210
Roger Edwards M55 LEI 210
Chris Bosley M60 LEI 210
Alan Halliday M50 OD 210
Robert Titterington M65 LEI 200
Dave Marr M55 OD 200
Mark Foxwell M40 LEI 200
Mike Baggott M55 HOC 200
Michael Parsons M50 LEI 250-50 200
Dave Thacker M21 OD 220-20 200
Liz Phillips W40 OD 190
Adrian Bailey M40 HOC 220-35 185
Jack Pegler M13 180
Dave Denness M45 LOG 180
Peter Leake M65 LEI 180
Ian Tebbutt M40 LEI 180
Robert Vickers M65 HOC 170-5 165
Toby Greaves M35 170-5 165
Simon Ford M65 160
Graham Urquart M50 OD 160
Bob Brandon M55 OD 160
Sian Gardner W50 OD 180-25 155
Roger Phillips M21 LEI 150
Mark Hardy M40 LEI 150-5 145
Dave Toach M40 LEI 140
S. Eggleston M40 140
John Boden M60 OD 140
Daniel Parsons M14 LEI 140-5 135
Robert Harris M35 OD 130
Isabel Urquart W20 OD 120
Ali Gardner M12 OD 120
Rachel Simonetti W21 LEI 120
Paul Leake M40 LEI 120
Ursula Williamson W45 LEI 120
Ian Pegler M35 120
Chris Phillips M60 LEI 110
Sergio Muir M21 OD 150-45 105
Roy Denny M60 LEI 100
Karin Kirk W60 OD 100
Ella-Rose McCartney W10 OD 120-40 80
Faye Greaves W21 20
OD 2,045
LEI 1,660
OD Scorers
jm Matthew Halliday 310
m Dave Thacker 200
sm Bruce Bryant 275
vm Pete Carey 210
jf E-R McCartney 80
f Isabel Urquart 120
sf Liz Phillips 190
Richard Gardner 240
Harrison McCartney 210
Alan Halliday 210
LEI Scorers
jm Daniel Parsons 135
m Roger Phillips 150
sm Mark Foxwell 200
vm John Marriott 210
jf -
f Rachel Simonetti 120
sf Alison Hardy 210
Pete Hornsby 215
David Bray 210
Roger Edwards 210
Following a wet afternoon putting out controls, the weather relented to provide three hours of dry conditions for the event; only for the rain to return at 8 o’clock when the controls were being collected in. As it is not possible to mow the grass on the hill and livestock only seems to be there in winter, I decided that a score event would probably be fairer. Since the event was a joint one I thought it might provide more interest to have an unofficial inter club competition. On checking the splits some people punched controls on the Yellow course, which had to be deducted. Scorers with the same points have been listed according to time taken. My thanks go to John Boden for admirably manning the registration and to Dave Thacker for taking over; also to Dave Marr and Bob Brandon for helping with control collection.
John Ward