St Nicholas Park Results
13th January 2007
Yellow, 10 controls, 1.2K
Name Club Class Time
Hamish Rodgers Ind M12 08,47
Thomas Pollard Ind M10 10,34
Jake Dolphin Ind M10 10,39
Penny Oliver OD W10 10,39
Amy Oliver OD W8 10,40
Stephen Emms Ind M12 10,51
David Pollard Ind M12 11,45
Daniel Smart Ind M10 12,18
George Webb Ind M10 13,49 6 controls
William Bate COBOC M10 14,06
Emily Baker Ind W10 14,44
Matthew Lawrence KHVIII M10 14,45
Zoe Nicholson and Rosie Hopley KHVIII W10 14,48
Frances Hunter OD W10 14,49
Connor Pyke Ind M10 16,15
Alex Winnett KHVIII M10 16,43
Grier Family Ind 17,30
James Pollard Ind M8 18,59
Alfie Bullus Ind M6 19,27
Stephen Baker Ind M8 19,54
Kent Family 2 Ind 23,43
Kent Family 1 Ind 23,55
Chelsea Round KHVIII W8 24,31
Bethany Holmes KHVIII W8 24,32
Millie & Sophie Balmer Ind W6 25,09
Light Green, 14 controls, 3.3K
Name Club Class Time
Iain Embrey OD M20 14,40
Bill Nicholson OD M40 17,16
Matt Morris OD M16 21,27
David Keyes Ind 22,41
Gill Dolphin Ind 27,14
Jackie Embrey HOC W40 28,49
Phillip Oliver OD M40 28,57
Daniel Smart Ind M10 31,27
Graham Urquhart OD M50 31,51
Gillian Cross OD W60 33,20
Tim Burrows Ind M12 35,24
Catherine Colledge Ind W21 35,44
Bill Colledge Ind M55 35,49
Mike Savage OD M70 40,06
Robert Keyes KHVIII M16 40,18
Derek Jones COBOC M60 41,24
Begonia Garcia OD W21 41,33
Oscar Santos Ind M21 45,16
Blue, 20 controls, 5.6K
Name Club Class Time
Chris Embrey HOC M18 30,18
John Embrey HOC M45 30,29
Bill Nicholson OD M40 35,11
Bruce Bryant OD M50 35,46
Ant Walker OD M40 37,50
Dave Marr OD M50 38,16
Dermot Lynch Ind M21 38,46
Liz Philips OD W40 40,34
Sergio Mur OD M21 41,45
Lucy Lynch Ind W21 43,47
Liz Cross OD W35 44,10
Adam Kent OD M35 44,32
John Boden OD M55 44,58
Martin Cross OD M60 45,43
Bob Harris Ind M35 48,00
Keith Tween Ind M50 59,06
John Handley Ind M60 63,14
Organisers Comments
Actually Peter Guillaume did most of the hard work by planning all the courses and putting out the
controls. All I had to do was run registration and help to collect the controls later! We had a great turn out
which meant a first for me, I had to recycle some of the EMIT brikkes, but all was well and the system
worked perfectly. There was an almost exact split of seniors and juniors, about 30 of each, with a larger
than normal contingent of new competitors which was most encouraging.
One of the most impressive performances of the day was Chris Embrey who was fastest on the Blue course.
Not only did he beat his Dad by 11 seconds but he did the whole course by map memory, having lost
his map after the second control! Also worthy of mention was Hamish Rogers who was first on the Yellow
course by almost two minutes. All in all an excellent mornings orienteering.
Special thanks to Peter for all his work, to Matt and Sergio for helping with control collection and extra
thanks to Dave Marr for collecting all the controls in Priory Park.
Chris Morris