SPICEBALL PARK, BANBURY  Saturday Morning  Event

27th January 2007




Yellow Course      1.45 kms.                                         

1.      11:57         Zoe Nicolson                W10          KH8                 

2.      13:32         Gemma Sprules            W12          KH8         

3.      13:36         Peter Owen                 M10          KH8         

4.      13:42         Clara Sprules               W12          KH8         

5.      13:54         Matthew Lawrence          M10           KH8

6.      16:35         Sophie Oliver        W8           OD

7.      17:24           Alfie Bullus                  M6            OD

8.      17:26            Tobias Trewett              M6            Ind

9.      20:06            Richard Heathcote          M10   St. Johns Sch, Kenilworth

10.    21:50            Alex Winnett                M10          KH8

11.    23:23*        Chelsea Rand and          W10          KH8

                              Bethany Holmes

                       *download time (did not punch Finish)

        14:21         Oliver Bremridge            M10   Park Hill Sch, Kenilworth

                       (wrong No.1)


Orange Course     2.7 kms.                           

1.      21:23         James Dance               M12          KH8

2.      21:54             Jack Pegler                 M14          KH8

3.      22:08            George Webban            M14          KH8

4.      28:06         Amy Oliver                  W14           OD

5.      28 :07          Aaron Bargotta              M10          KH8

6.      30:38           Karin Kirk                                  OD

7.      40:44            Begonia Garcia             W21          OD


Green Course      4.65 kms.

1.      21:03            Graham Gristwood           M21          OD

2.      22:18             Linus Kaisajuntti            M21          UWOC

3.      25:18            Matt Rooke                 M20          UWOC

4.      26:29            Emma Dahlstedt            W21          OUOC

5.      27:33            Liis Johanson               W21          OD

6.      28:28            Matt Halliday                M16          OD

7.      31:10            Mark Cummings            M21          UWOC

8.      32:39             Bill Nicolson                 M40          OD

9.      33:42            Ant Walker                  M40          OD

10.    34:52            Jo Halliday                  W18          OD

11.    37:20             John Ward                  M60          OD

12.    40:40           Martin Cross                M60          OD

13.    43:04            John Boden                 M55          OD

14.    43:05            Robert Harris               M35          OD

15.    44:06            Liz Cross                    W35          OD

16.      45:10            Alison Sleigh                W21          WAOC

17.    46:48         Dave Newman              M50          OD

18.    47:44         Chloe Bell                   W18          KH8

19.    50:04         Katie Cross                 W21          OUOC

20.    55:54         Lara Semple                W16          KH8

21.    58:26         Gillian Cross                W60          OD   

                       Iain Botheroyd              M35          OD

                       (no time recorded – did not clear e-card at start)

                       Sergio Mur       (retired)     M21          OD



Another new park christened, and an excellent Sprint-O area. The cold snap of a few days ago had departed to give a dry sunny day for the event. The river level was finally down – at one point 2 weeks before it was difficult to get to control no.4 (126). Many thanks to John Ward, Iain Botheroyd and Clive Wrench for all their help on the day, and particularly Clive for his help in obtaining permission for the use of the park.

                              Mke Hampton