EVENT 3rd MARCH 2007
1 Anna Kememy OD W13 25.27
2 Caroline Plunkett KH8 W10 30.52
3 Benjamin Ledger OD M8 30.57
4 Rosie Hopey KH8 W10 35.49
5 Zoe Nicolson OD W10 43.32
6 Joseph S Taylor Ind M13 44.17
7 Harvey Pearsall Ind M6 72.49
1 Bill Nicolson OD M40 27.19
2 Harrison McCartney OD M8 32.43
3 George KH8 M11 47.16
4 Jack Pegler KH8 M11 48.39
5 Derek Jones Ind M65 49.09
6 Lara KH8 W15 50.27
7 Jack Pitt KH8 M12 50.52
8 Thomas Bartholomew Ind M12 59.54*
9 Sam Bartholomew Ind M9 60.02*
10 Joseph Bartholomew Ind M11 60.08*
11 Brodie team Ind - 106.29
* wrong no. 13
1 Mike Hampton OD M60 29.04
2 Bob Brandon OD M55 30.46
3 Paul Furness OD n/a 32.56
4 Liz Phillips OD W40 37.33
5 Dermot Lynch Ind M21 39.58
6 John Bowman OD M65 40.02
7 Liz Furness OD n/a 42.08
8 Lucy Lynch Ind W21 42.43
9 John Boden OD M55 49.59
10 John Handley Ind M60 55.31
11 Bill Colledge Ind M55 55.57
12 Graham Urquhart OD n/a 57.46
13 Sue Lynch WCH W50 86.11
It was like the first day of Spring for the event. Sorry
more members didn’t come to enjoy it. Thanks Bob for
helping to collect controls and Mike for overprinting
maps. Sue