Results for Bentley FCC and Regional, Bentley Warwickshire, 22/04/2007
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light GreenWhite (length 1.3km, climb 35m, 7 controls)
1 James Nisbet SMOC M10 10:20 2 Rebecca Nisbet SMOC W10 17:39 3 Hannah Freeman HH W10 20:41 4 Ailith Smith DVO W2 43:52 ------White standard------ Eva Glasrud OUOC W20 rtd Missing nos 1,3,5-7
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Yellow (length 2.8km, climb 85m, 11 controls)
1 Clara Windsor LEI W14 41:40 2 Christopher BaylissWRE M5 43:46 3 Rosemary Clemo 52:37 -----Yellow standard------
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Orange (length 3.2km, climb 95m, 11 controls)
1 Akison Cronk 51:07 -----Orange standard------ 2 Martin Sherlaw COBOC M14 90:26
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Light Green (length 3.6km, climb 85m, 8 controls)
1 Anthony Walker OD M40 31:00 2 Rachel Simonetti LEI W21 53:12 3 Chris Bedford M40 61:41 4 Adam Potter BOK M12 65:56 5 Dave Toach LEI M40 67:08 ---Light Green standard--- 6 Mary Windsor LEI W45 79:50 7 David Potter BOK M45 83:47 8 Jane Sells OD W60 91:42 dsq Sue Lynch WCH W50 81:03 Missing no 8
Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green
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Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @