Saturday 11:20 provisional results uploaded
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There were many favourable comments about the area, Hay Wood was at its best, at its most runnable, and with the bluebells in full flower. This was a first attempt at "real time" entries using the COLOUR software, which proved possible with 2 people on registration and made producing full results including splits possible. Thanks to those who commented positiveley about the courses, Elizabeth kindly controlled them for me and using the club's CONDES package made planning straight forward, including overprinting of the maps by Alan Halliday. Thanks to UWOC and Richard Dearden for collecting the controls. The weather of course made the whole evening a spring delight. I had the best time though out in the forest at 06:00 on the wed morning putting out controls!
Any queries, errors, or omissions should in the first instance be addressed to paul furness
Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @