Saturday 21st January 2006
1. 17:55 Penny Oliver W10 OD
2. 20:15 Lara
Semple W14 KH8
3. 25:06 Clara Sprules W12 KH8
4. 28:10 Simrath
Dhillon W10 KH8
5. 28:37 Sam
Howarth M10 KH8
6. 28:45 Gemma
Sprules W10 KH8
7. 28:56 Shivi
Ravi W10 KH8
8. 29:03 Bethany
Walker W10 KH8
9. 34:05 Sophie
Oliver W6 OD
10. 55:12 Julia
Veasey W35 Ind
1. 31:26 Bethany
Lucas W14 KH8
2. 33:28 Mark
Foxwell --- LEI
3. 33:45 Philip
Earp M14 OD
4. 36:10 Naomi
Richardson W12 KH8
5. 36:40 Anthony
Barnard M21 UWOC
6. 39:47 Chris Morris M50 OD
7. 39:57 Paul
Baker M55 LEI
8. 40:14 Shawn
Emerson M18 UWOC
9. 40:23 Calum
Walker M12 KH8
10. 43:07 Jack
Pittaway M12 KH8
11. 52:05 Amy
Oliver W12 OD
12. 52:44 Emily
& Annabel Higgins --- Ind
13. 85:33 Williams
family --- 34th Scouts
14. 89:03 Lucy
Eggleston W12 Lilbourne
62:41 Chris
Brueton + 3 M21 + 3 Ind
(wrong No.2)
76:03 Lucy
and Emma Grier --- Ind
(Retired after
1. 37:08 John
Embrey M45 HOC
2. 37:14 Chris
Embrey M18 HOC
3. 40:40 Bruce
Bryant M45 OD
4. 44:45 Shane
Enright M21 UWOC
5. 46:53 Liz
Phillips W40 OD
6. 46:58 Steve
Bates M55 OD
7. 48:29 Gerry
Spalton M60 OD
8. 48:50 John
Ward M60 OD
9. 49:12 Antony
Cooper M45 HOC
10. 51:00 John
Middler M50 BAOC
11. 54:36 Harold
Wyber M21 UWOC
12. 56:19 John
Boden M55 OD
13. 56:36 Bill
Waine M55 OD
14. 57:25 Robert
Vickers M60 HOC
15. 60:39 Roman
Kotecky M55 PRAGA
16. 60:55 Robert
Latham M21 UWOC
17. 72:00 Jacky
Embrey W45 HOC
18. 73:36 Rob
Veasey M35 Ind
19. 75:39 Hazel
Kendrick W21 UWOC
20. 76:45 Sophie
Kirk W14 OD
21. 76:54 Sue
Bicknell W60 OD
22. 91:38 Liz
Bates W55 OD
55:46 Graham
Birch M35 Kenilworth Runners
(wrong No.2)
51:32 Chris
McCartney M35 OD
(wrong No.8)
67:51 Susan
Smith W35 Kenilworth Runners
(wrong No.8)
57:28 Sarah
Hughes W21 OD
(wrong No.11)
80:00 Chris
Voss M60 OD
(punched No.20 out
of sequence)
47:45 Mark
Cummings M21 UWOC
(retired after
38:24 Chloe
Bell W16 KH8
half only)
46:02 Thelma
Spalton W55 OD
half only)
61:38 Nicola
Cai W21 UWOC
half only)
I had
lots of favourable comments about how much people enjoyed this very pleasant
wood, brand new to orienteering. The lovely sunny early spring weather also
helped. Although like most woods in the Midlands, it does have its fair share
of brambles, most were runnable at this time of year. Where possible I kept the
courses so the optimal route was straight. The open oak woodland at the top of
the hill was reminiscent of the best bits of Bentley.
to those on the green course who had to copy down their own control
descriptions as I failed to anticipate demand.
thanks to Richard and John for their help with registration, parking and
collecting in controls and also Mark for control collecting.
Mike Hampton