Results for OD District Event, Arley Wood, 15/01/2006

White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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White (length 1.3km, climb 15m, 13 controls)

  1  Euan Tebbutt                   LEI M7   13:58 
  2  Ethan Tebbutt                  LEI M4   14:19 
  5  Annabel Truman                 IND W6   21:08 
  6  Rosie Truman                   IND W8   21:20 
  7  Ella-Rose McCartney             OD W10  23:32 
  8  Kimberly & Laura Cowley           W7/8  33:46 
     ------------White standard------------
dsq  Sophie Oliver                   OD W6   25:48 Missing no 13

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Yellow (length 2.1km, climb 25m, 13 controls)

  1  Rachel Emmerson                 OD W10  25:13 
  2  Tom Ross                        OD M10  26:12 
  3  Alastair Gardner                OD M10  27:03 
  4  Julie Emmerson                  OD W10  28:18 
  5  Stephen Elkington               OD M10  33:10 
  6  Emma Ramsay                     OD W35  34:25 
  7  Candice Jones & Amy Tyrrell       34TH  37:24 
  8  Gemma Preston & Stacey Gould      34TH  42:16 
     -----------Yellow standard------------
  9  Sam Morgan                     HOC M10  42:18 
 10  Harrison McCartney              OD M10  43:22 
 11  Charlotte Robinson             HOC W4   51:58 
 12  Penny Oliver                    OD W10  55:33 
 13  Matthew Hutton Luke  Williams 34TH M10  59:57 
 14  Suzanna Williams              34TH W12  62:45 
 15  Natasha Fraser + Esme Horne   34TH W12  62:58 

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Orange (length 2.5km, climb 35m, 11 controls)

  1  Matt Horsfield                 AOC M16  40:00 
  2  Mat Spencer                    AOC M14  43:54 
  3  Amy Oliver                      OD W12  44:40 
  4  Theodore J S Hill              AOC M16  44:59 
  5  Andrew Plante                  HOC M50  49:23 
  6  Matthew Elkington               OD M12  52:14 
     -----------Orange standard------------
  7  Jan Saoler                         W50 113:26 
dsq  Edward Hann                    AOC M14  41:34 Missing no 10
dsq  Guy Ross                        OD M12  46:27 Missing no 5
     Mhairi Leeson                  HOC W12  dnf   
     Naomi Richardson                OD W12  rtd   Missing no 9; 2 out of order

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Light Green (length 2.7km, 12 controls)

  1  Andrew Sadler                COBOC M18  27:00 
  2  Ben Ross                        OD M14  27:53 
  3  Duncan Leeson                  HOC M16  29:31 
  4  William Gardner                 OD M14  30:15 
  5  Bryan Parkinson               EPOC M55  30:28 
  6  Harriet Batten                  OD W14  31:58 
  7  Dennis Mews                    HOC M55  32:13 
  8  Sheila Carey                    OD W60  32:28 
  9  Alex Roberts                   HOC M14  35:07 
 10  Matt Morris                     OD M14  36:10 
 11  Sue Hallett                     OD W60  36:17 
 12  Helen Elkington                 OD W14  36:39 
 13  Susan Ford                     HOC W16  37:00 
 14  Dryden Williams               SMOC M16  37:08 
 15  Andrew Mews                    HOC M21  39:38 
 16  Malcolm Duncan               POTOC M70  40:42 
 17  Nicola Cui                    UWOC W21  40:46 
 18  Anthony Barnard               UWOC M21  41:07 
 19  Seonaid Dudley                 WCH W65  42:02 
 20  Sharon Richardson              WRE W21  43:50 
 21  Alison Sloman                  HOC W70  44:42 
 22  Thomas Bleazard               UWOC M20  45:26 
     ---------Light Green standard---------
 23  Hilary Simpson                  OD W65  46:32 
 24  Dorothy Keeling                HOC W60  46:41 
 25  Byron Williams                SMOC M18  47:24 
 26= Michael Savage                  OD M70  48:23 
 26= Daniel Davidson                LEI M12  48:23 
 28  Penny Hemsted                  HOC W65  53:35 
 29  Gillian Cross                   OD W60  56:29 
 30  Elaine Dunn                    WCH W70  57:02 
 31  Philip Earp                     OD M14  59:06 
 32  Pamela Emberton                WCH W75  59:47 
 33  Heather Shilling               WCH W65  62:41 
 34  Beryl Pay                      WRE W70  68:23 
 35  Chris Schaanning               HOC M75  77:57 
 36  Jane Sells                      OD W60  83:48 
 37  Kath Wright                     OD W60  88:59 
 38  Alex Sparks                    IND W60  97:58 
dsq  Chris Morris                    OD M50  53:18 Missing no 8
dsq  Sally Palmer                   IND W35  64:28 Missing no 8
dsq  Sian Gardner                    OD W45  67:36 Missing no 9
dsq  Sue Bowman                      OD W60  83:15 Missing no 11
     Shaun Emerson                 UWOC M18  dnf   

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Green (length 3.5km, 17 controls)

  1  Mike Hampton                    OD M60  27:56 
  2  Mike Farrington                HOC M50  32:12 
  3  Peter Carey                     OD M60  34:06 
  4  Ian Roberts                    HOC M18  34:49 
  5  Colin Spears                   HOC M65  35:58 
  6  Clive Handy                    WCH M40  36:43 
  7  Sophie Thomas                  WCH W16  37:05 
  8  Judith Evans                   HOC W50  38:29 
  9  Alison Hardy                   LEI W40  38:30 
 10  Russ Fauset                        HOC  39:00 
 11  Hazel Waters                   WCH W55  40:07 
 12  Martin Cross                    OD M60  40:31 
 13  Tim Brandon                     OD M18  40:40 
 14  Catherine Bushnell             WCH W16  41:07 
 15  John Boden                      OD M55  41:45 
 16  David Beal                      OD M60  41:59 
 17  Judith Guillaume                OD W50  42:32 
 18  John Sells                      OD M60  43:21 
 19= Trevor Simpson                  OD M65  43:24 
 19= Lester Evans                   HOC M50  43:24 
 21  Robert Vickers                 HOC M60  43:30 
 22  Jeff Haycock                   WRE M60  43:43 
 23  Derek Turner                   WRE M65  43:46 
 24  Jill Emmerson                   OD W40  43:49 
 25  Steven Taylor                  DVO M21  44:44 
 26  Marian White                   HOC W45  45:19 
 27  Ang Morgan                     HOC W40  45:24 
 28  John Wright                     OD M65  46:24 
 29  Mark Cummings                 UWOC M21  48:09 
 30  Mark Hardy                     LEI M35  48:12 
 31  Melanie Elkington               OD W45  48:42 
 32  Jen Gale                       DVO W60  49:00 
 33  Kathyrn Schofield               OD W21  49:16 
 34  Alan King                       OD M55  49:47 
 35  Charles Robinson              DVOA M50  50:57 
 36  John Cooke                     LEI M60  51:36 
     ------------Green standard------------
 37  David Newman                    OD M50  51:56 
 38  Jim Knight                     WCH M60  52:47 
 39  Lynden Hartmann                HOC W50  52:57 
 40  Isabel Urquhart                 OD W18  53:24 
 41  Neil Forrest                   DVO M60  53:50 
 42  Richard Woodward                   M55  53:55 
 43  Mike H Cowley                  LEI M60  55:41 
 44  Donald Moir                    LEI M70  55:57 
 45  John Bowman                     OD M60  56:11 
 46  Ruth Lockley                   HOC W50  58:21 
 47  Graham Dugdale               DEVON M55  58:47 
 48  Thelma Spalton                  OD W55  59:56 
 49  John Wilcock                   WCH M65  59:58 
 50  Graham Urquhart                 OD M50  60:49 
 51  Helen Finlayson                DVO W60  60:55 
 52  Chris Voss                      OD M60  61:11 
 53  Rod Niven                      WCH M60  61:20 
 54  Ulli Ull                        OD W50  61:43 
 55  Michael Truman                 IND M35  62:09 
 56  Miranda Aston                   OD W45  62:13 
 57  Liddy Loudon                   DVO W21  62:23 
 58  Lesley Norton                  WRE W60  65:28 
 59  Barbara Ford                   HOC W50  66:25 
 60  Margaret Willdig                OD W50  67:49 
 61  Pam King                        OD W55  74:52 
 62  Dave Sparks                  POTOC M60  80:19 
 63  RW Formby                      WRE M65  93:37 
 64  Andrew & Raymond Williams         34TH  95:17 
 65  Michael Dugmore                HOC M65 109:35 
dsq  Mattias Jonsson                WCH M21  40:55 Missing no 3
dsq  Martin Gibbons                 WRE M55  47:26 Missing no 3
dsq  Paul Baker                     LEI M55  48:24 Missing nos 1,9
dsq  Patrick Pay                    WRE M65  48:53 Missing no 13
dsq  Mike Spencer                 KERNO M55  55:34 Missing no 14
dsq  Greta Shields/Greenhall         OD W55  56:27 Missing no 1

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Blue (length 5.6km, climb 90m, 23 controls)

  1  Jeffrey Colbert               SWOC M21  41:11 
  2  Robert Farrington              HOC M18  41:12 
  3  Andy Hemsted                   HOC M55  41:14 
  4  John Embrey                    HOC M45  42:07 
  5  Robert Brandon                  OD M55  43:27 
  6  Ian Turner                     WCH M45  43:55 
  7  Michael Baggott                HOC M55  44:00 
  8  Bruce Bryant                    OD M45  44:02 
  9  Christopher Embrey             HOC M18  44:44 
 10  Robert Gardner                  OD M16  44:49 
 11  Andy Emmerson                   OD M50  45:08 
 12  Ray Collins                    WCH M50  45:21 
 13  David Williams                 HOC M40  45:31 
 14  Paul Furness                    OD M50  47:29 
 15  Richard Gardner                 OD M50  48:18 
 16  Alan Halliday                   OD M50  48:46 
 17  John Pearson                   HOC M55  49:47 
 18  Ian Wilson                     LEI M40  50:45 
 19  Andy Heath                      OD M50  50:51 
 20  Iain Tebbutt                   LEI M35  50:57 
 21  Barry Elkington                 OD M50  51:04 
 22  Andrew White                   HOC M50  51:38 
 23  Andrew Yeates                  WCH M45  52:13 
 24  Helen Chiswell                 HOC W21  52:48 
 25  Caroline Northall               OD W21  52:53 
 26  James Allen                    DVO M35  53:03 
 27  Ian Farrell                   MDOC M21  53:13 
 28  Peter Sunley                 COBOC M21  53:17 
 29  Liz Phillips                    OD W40  53:31 
 30  Peter Guillaume                 OD M55  53:37 
 31  Rod Postlethwaite              WRE M50  54:47 
 32  Alastair Paterson              LEI M35  54:56 
 33  Amy Thompson                   WCH W18  55:30 
 34  John Brammer                   WRE M45  55:38 
 35  Neil Sims                       OD M45  56:10 
 36  Derek Gale                     DVO M60  56:15 
 37  Michael Thompson               WCH M50  56:41 
 38  Keith Willdig                   OD M55  56:59 
 39= Peter Jones                    WRE M60  57:24 
 39= Barry McGowan                  HOC M55  57:24 
 41  Peter Carter                   NOC M45  57:38 
 42  Stephen Bates                   OD M55  58:56 
 43  Gearoid Oh-Eidhin              WCH M40  59:12 
 44  Peter Leake                    LEI M65  59:47 
 45  Bill Waine                      OD M55  60:05 
 46  Richards                      BOAC M40  60:18 
 47  Ben Saxby                     UWOC M20  60:38 
 48  John Middler                  BAOC M50  61:35 
 49  Charles Nelson                 HOC M55  61:37 
     ------------Blue standard-------------
 50  Chris Dwyer                     OD M55  62:51 
 51  Philip May                      OD M50  64:29 
 52  David Vincent                  DVO M45  66:31 
 53  Kevin Ross                      OD M40  67:16 
 54  Paul Hammond                   HOC M40  67:26 
 55  Thomas McComiskie             BAOC M50  68:15 
 56  Colin John                     DVO M50  68:23 
 57  Alison Yeates                  WCH W35  68:27 
 58  Andrew Waters                  WCH M55  68:50 
 59  Judith Holt                    LEI W55  70:03 
 60  Mick Sadler                  COBOC M55  76:51 
 61  Sue Bicknell                    OD W60  77:31 
 62  Dave Randall                   WRE M50  86:02 
 63  Bryan Robinson                DVOA W21  87:43 
 64  Nick Taylor                    HOC M55  99:53 
dsq  John Leeson                    HOC M45  51:17 Missing no 17
dsq  David Brown                    WCH M21  52:02 Missing no 1
dsq  Peter Ford                     HOC M18  64:42 Missing nos 5,10
dsq  David Thomas                   WCH M45  65:37 Missing no 14
dsq  Paul Watterson                 HOC M55  69:16 Missing no 2
     Keith Tween                     OD M45  rtd   Missing nos 12-23

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Brown (length 7.6km, climb 120m, 27 controls)

  1  Iain Embrey                     OD M20  54:41 
  2  Alex Morgan                    HOC M40  56:08 
  3= Lloyd Biddell                  WCH M21  61:24 
  3= Clive Richardson               WRE M40  61:24 
  5  Lesley Ross                     OD W40  61:48 
  6  David Thacker                  WRE M21  62:23 
  7  Richard Dearden                HOC M35  64:08 
  8  George Lamplough             POTOC M35  64:21 
  9  Matthew Rooke                 UWOC M20  64:39 
 10  Steven Davidson                LEI M45  65:57 
 11  Tony Callow                    WRE M40  67:01 
 12  Chris McCartney                 OD M35  69:22 
 13  Ian Hopkins                    HOC M40  73:59 
 14  Roger Williams                SMOC M45  76:02 
 15  Phil Presland                  HOC M40  80:07 
     ------------Brown standard------------
 16  Gerry Spalton                   OD M60  85:34 
 17  Ian Gamlen                   COBOC M40  88:05 
 18  R Naish                        IND M40 102:18 

Courses White, Yellow, Orange, Light Green, Green, Blue, Brown
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Any queries, errors, or omissions should in the first instance be addressed to Paul Furness

Results software provided by Michael Napier, e-mail mnapier @