Saturday 19th February 2005




YELLOW COURSE        1.8 kms     

1.      20:26         Matthew & David Handy    M12 & M10  WCH

2.      23:09         Penny Oliver                               KH8

3.      27:03         Scott Wilson                M15   Exhall Grange School

        30:18         Janet Sinclair                       WAOC

                              ( No.1 missing)            


ORANGE COURSE               2.8 kms.

1.      20:40         Andy Cherry                        Kenilworth Runners

2.      25:45         Chris Morris                 M50          OD

3.      26:12         Gillian Cross                W60          OD

4.      30:30         Emma Kettley               W12          OD

5.      34:41         Bryony Smith                       W14          OD

6.      36:15         Faye Commander          W21  Exhall Grange School

7.      42:35         Emily Smith                       

8.      44:10         Robert Smith                M30          Redditch

9.      46:12         Alfie Bullus                  M4

        45:50         Eva Hennig and Bettina            Germany    

                              Schaarschmidt      (No.1 missing)


GREEN COURSE          4.25 kms.   

1.      28:07         Liz Phillips                   W40          OD

2.      32:16         John Bowman               M60          OD

3.      33:02         Clive Handy                M40          WCH

4.      33:06         Sheila Carey                W55          OD

5.      33:18         Becky Brown and Jon Neville Green     

6.      34:12         Martin Cross                M60          OD

7.      36:06         John Boden                 M55          OD

8.      39:07         Harriet Batten               W14          OD

9.      44:32         Jean Sinclair                W40          WAOC

        32:59         Peter Carey                 M60          OD

                              (No. 5  missing)


A bright cold and sunny day unfortunately failed to bring out the normal numbers we see at these Saturday events (half term again!). However those who ran enjoyed a dash around the Theatre gardens. A new area for the club with a map drawn to the new Sprint-O specifications revealed some interesting control sites for planners of future events to use. Today I arranged for one control site to be guarded by Falstaff! My thanks to Trevor and Hilary for their help on registration and in collecting controls.                                

Mike Hampton