Woodcote Summer Evening Event 30th June 2004




1      Rachel Emmerson  12:26

2      Julie Emmerson     13:09

3      Sevans J Pearson   15:22

4      Adam Graham              15:35

5      Lakasz                      16:40

6      Calum Walker               17:26

7      Stephen Elkington   17:39

8      Matthew Kettley      18:17

9      Richard Bankbrook  19:39

10     Sean Richards              28:18




1      Emma Banbrook    20:11

2      Naomi Richardson  22:00

3      Emma Kettley               22:07

4      Rachel Emmerson  22:49

5      Sophie Kirk          24:17

6      John Bowman               24:28

7      Robert Keyes               25:44

8      George Strang              26:06

9      Julie Emmerson     28:00

10     Ted Richards        28:20

11     Alison Sloman               29:02

12     Abby & Nicola        43:34




1      Barry Elkington      26:04

2      Pete Carey          36:11

3      S Carey              42:24

4      Greta Shields        44:38

5      Harriet & Fraiser     47:03

6      M. Willdig            48:31

7      D. H. Burrin          59:16




1      Mike Baggott         44:47

2      Bob Brandon        46:03

3      Tony Feltbower      46:05 

4      Rob Haywood               48:04

5      P. Taylor             48:16

6      Ian Hopkins          48:23

7      Paul Furness        48:36

8      J Ward                      50:24

9      D. Beal               50:30

10     Ian Gregory          51:18

11     Andrew Payne              52:05

12     K. Willdig            52:06

13     R. Vickers           61:28

14     C. Handy             63:47

15     Paul Wallace- Stack 65:08

16     A. Hayes             67:21

        Alison Keyes         39:52    2 laps

        Pepper       the dog               39:52  1½ laps


Thanks to all for coming along.

Hope you enjoyed the courses, and apologies for the shocking planning on the Green course where we inadvertently used the same control on both loops!


Becca and Jules.