Sutton Park Results - Saturday 27th September 2003




Pos.   Name                        Club          Age           Points        Time          

1.      Daniel Halliday              OD           M18           27            45 mins

2.      Ian Embrey                  KEAOS       M16           27            48 mins

3.      Chris Embrey                       KEAOS       M14           20            56 mins

4.      James Bullock                      KH8          M10           12            45 mins

5.      Hashim & Brandon          KH8          M10           11            48 mins

6.      Robert & Christian          KH8          M10           11            52 mins

7.      Tim Brandon                OD           M16           11            54 mins

8.      Amy Brandon               OD           W16          10            52 mins

9.      Naomi & Abby               KH8          W10          9              46 mins

10.    Joanna Read                KH8          W11          9              60 mins

11.    Harriet Batten                       KH8          W11          8              40 mins

12.    Tania Noranda                      KH8          W12          8              47 mins

13.    Matthew Partridge           KH8          M10           6              60 mins

14.    Graham Payne                     KEAOS       M12           6              55 mins

15.    Daniel Lewis                KEAOS       M12           4              46 mins

16.    Ben Gambles                       KEAOS       M12           15-13=2      73 mins (-13)




Pos.   Name                        Club          Age           Points        Time          

1.      Robin Smith                 SO           M50           27            57 mins

2.      Bob Brandon                OD           M50           26            57 mins

3.      L. Townley                  MV            M21           25            55 mins

4.      Mike Hampton               OD           M55           25            56 mins

5.      Paul Furness                OD           M45           25            58 mins

6.      John Embrey                COBOC      M45           24            60 mins

7.      Helen Chiswell              HOC          W21          22            50 mins

8.      Barry McGowan             HOC          M55           22            53 mins

9.      Ian Wells                    LEI            M50           22            59 mins

10.    David Brightwell             OD           M21           17            53 mins

11.    Bill Waine                   OD           M50           16            52 mins

12.    Silvia Ruie                   LEI            W21          15            57 mins

13.    Jeff Swanne                 -              -              9              64 mins

14.     Jacky Embrey                      COBOC      W45          6              60 mins

        (shadowed beginner children)





We hope you all enjoyed the beautiful sunny morning at Sutton Park. The turnout of only thirty competitors was a little disappointing, but we hope the children from King Henry VIII Coventry and King Edwards Aston found the event useful preparation for the BSOA Score Championships in just two weeks time. We wish them luck.


Barry & Melanie Elkington.