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Intermediate result at 13:40
1 41:21 Eoin Simpson LEI M16 2 44:55 Seb Blackmore HOC M14 3 45:33 Fraser Stamp WCH M16 4 46:00 David Leadley OD M60 5 46:11 Peter Blackmore HOC M16 6 47:29 Andy Emmerson OD M65 7 52:42 Julian Bass HOC M60 8 54:18 John Leeson HOC M65 9 55:45 Suzanne Harding NGOC W60 10 55:46 Toby Miles LEI M55 11 56:32 Andrew Clough WRE M65 12 56:47 Diane Jacks WRE W55 13 57:23 Andrew Yeates WCH M65 14 57:54 Duncan Bayliss WRE M55 15 58:32 Katie Lewis WRE W40 16 58:33 Mike Goldthorpe WRE M65 17 59:41 Bruce Bryant OD M65 18 60:00 Henry Morgan POTOC M70 19 60:11 David Potter BOK M60 20 60:17 Paul Basher HOC M70 21 60:40 Roger Edwards LEI M75 22 62:04 Carol Dredge WCH W65 23 62:34 Martin Cook SMOC M65 24 62:36 Geoff Trewin HOC M70 25 63:32 Olivia Stamp WCH W18 26 63:42 Richard Rogers WRE M60 27 65:55 Gearoid Oh-Eidhin WCH M60 28 66:15 Caroline Potter BOK W60 29 67:04 Karen Thompson HOC W55 30 67:13 Ian Prowse NGOC M70 31 67:52 Harriet Allinson WRE W16 32 69:13 Aicha Whittaker IND W21 33 69:23 Grace Allinson WRE W16 34 70:11 Matthew Guest SMOC M35 35 70:25 John Robinson WCH M75 36 70:26 Brian Hughes HOC M75 37 70:30 Alex Worthington IND M21 38 70:37 Julia Allinson WRE W50 39 71:26 Jane Kayley-Burgess DVO W65 40 73:25 Nigel Lydon IND M55 41 73:39 Jill Emmerson OD W60 42= 74:33 Adrian Bailey HOC M55 42= 74:33 Adrian Bailey HOC M55 44 75:27 Kim Buxton DVO W60 45 77:50 Russell Buxton DVO M65 46 78:54 Helen Nisbet SMOC W60 47 79:18 Samantha Pritchard HOC W35 48 80:10 Alison Yeates WCH W55 49 81:46 Gerry Spalton OD M75 50 82:10 Jane Dring-Morris LEI W55 51 84:11 Ann Harris SMOC W70 52 84:27 John Marriott LEI M75 53 85:46 Paul Taunton NGOC M75 54 86:04 Claire Stamp WCH W45 55 88:53 Ian Moore HOC M65 56 89:02 Anne Kayley-Burgess DVO W55 57 90:58 Rex Bleakman DVO M80 58 97:58 John Bass HOC M16 59 102:04 Patricia Wong NOC W55 60 106:58 Paul Watterson HOC M75 61 108:52 Matthew Bryan and Gilbert Harding VENTURE M16 62 110:07 Rew Francis HOC M60 63 132:15 Nick Taylor HOC M75 64 134:51 Martin May NGOC M60 dnf Keith Willdig OD M75 No finish ti dnf Fin Bord and Neville Woods VENTURE M16 No finish ti rtd Daniel Ahearn and Joseph Travis VENTURE M16 Retired