Control Descriptions Crossword 1 - Octavian Droobers

Complete the crossword, then click on "Check" to check your answer. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter. Click on a number in the grid to see the clue or clues for that number.
1    2      3   4               
5    6       7        8    9       
11               12         
    14       15          16     
 17       18       19           
  21         22     23          
24                  25    26    
    27       28         29      


1. A permanently wet area with ***** vegetation (5)
3. A man made water container (5,6)
6. A hole in a rock face or hill side, often leading to underground workings (4)
7. A small area of forest where the tree cover or undergrowth is so dense that it is difficult to pass (7)
11. A ********** or hollow from which the ground rises on all sides. Shown on the map with contour lines (10)
12. The remains of a building that has fallen down (4)
13. A contour projection or "nose" rising from the surrounding ground (4)
16. A *** or hole with distinct steep-sides. Usually man made (3)
17. An abrupt change in ground level which can clearly be distinguished from its surroundings (5,4)
19. A contour indentation; a valley; the opposite of a spur (9)
23. A small area of water (4)
24. An area covered by so many boulders that they cannot be individually mapped (7,5)
28. A small area of trees in open ground (5)
29. A shaft containing water or a captive spring, clearly visible on the ground. Often with some form of man-made surround (4)
30. A clearly visible linear break in the forest which does not have a distinct path along it (4)
31. A man-made line of trees or bushes that is difficult to cross (6,7)


2. A high, natural rock projection (4,6)
4. The mound made by ants or termites (3, 4)
5. The low point between two higher points (6)
8. A level area on a slope (7)
9. A rock face. May be passable or impassable (5)
10. The upturned root of a fallen tree, with or without the trunk (4,5)
14. A natural or man made minor water channel which may contain water only intermittently (5)
15. A large area of water, normally uncrossable (4)
18. A runnable area of rock with no earth or vegetation cover (4,4)
20. A construction for holding feed for animals (6,4)
21. Gravel, sand or stone working in flat or inclined ground (6)
22. A wire or wooden boundary (5)
24. A standing brick, wood or stone structure (8)
25. A tall metal, wooden or brick structure, usually built for forest observation (5)
26. A high point. Shown on the map with contour lines (4)
27. A small obvious mound (5)